jeudi 29 août 2013

Company: Investor Alley Inc.
ID: 403291
Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Learn how to trade penny stocks here!  Congratulations on taking your first step towards something big.
Knowing how to trade penny stocks really comes down to common sense and practice.
You have to go in KNOWING this is a very volatile market. Instead of fearing volatility, you can         understand the reality of the situation…
and use it to potentially create enormous profits.
95% of traders out there do NOT know the reality of how penny stock trading works. Their loss is your gain. Their losses become the very profits you see in your trading account.
Recently deceased legend Steve Jobs said it best with his Apple slogan “Think Different.”
Daily Penny Stocks is here to deliver up to the minute news and alerts active day traders can benefit from, as well as the basics beginners need to know. We want to make sure brand new traders learn the ropes of this notorious market.
Average traders fear volatility. Average traders want to buy and hold, or blindly follow what others tell them. There is a reason 95% of traders who try to make a career out of day trading or investing fail. It’s because they’re average traders, who think the same as everyone else.
Average people will tell you that going to college, getting a degree, and then getting a job at a Corporation is the way to success. Yet most of the Forbes 100 richest people did NOT follow this path.
We’ll show you how to think different, and profit.
Small caps outperform large caps in both crashing markets, and markets recovering from crashes. Market conditions RIGHT NOW might be perfect for penny stocks to skyrocket in value.
But remember, penny stock trading involves substantial risk, so always research every alert before trading, consult with a licensed professional before trading, only invest what you can afford to lose, and always trade with caution.
Gains mentioned above are examples of our largest percentage gaining recent alerts. Most of our winning stock alerts make much smaller percentage gains, and not all of our alerts are winners.
Here is how our newsletter works.  The Daily Penny Stocks Newsletter is here to provide readers with free stock picks, as well as our point of view on the top stocks in the penny stock market. This is a truly FREE service!  You will NEVER be required to pay for the newsletter, and you will never be asked for any billing info. 
We encourage you to enroll by clicking the link below, which takes you to the email enrollment form (on the upper right side of the page).  We would like your email because our stock picks are very time-sensitive, and this will ensure you receive our picks first.  However, you absolutely do NOT need to give us your email address if you do not wish to.  To read the newsletter without providing your email simply click the link below and scroll down past the enrollment form, and yo
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We highly recommend you see our disclaimer and privacy policy before signing up here.
Disclaimer:  Penny stock trading involves substantial risk, so always research every alert before trading, consult with a licensed professional before trading, only invest what you can afford to lose, and always trade with caution. Past winners listed here are examples of our very best alerts and NOT what you can typically expect. and its staff are NOT licensed investment advisors of any kind, in any jurisdiction.  Alerts are not a solicitation or recommendation to buy securities, but merely investment ideas that should NEVER serve as the basis of your trading or investment decisions. and its newsletter is for entertainment purposes only.  View the risks of investing in penny stocks at

Posted on 02:40 by Unknown


The early life

Tim was raised in Chicago and he spent a large portion of his life watching his father run his own business. He grew up in a middle class neighborhood because his dad’s business did well, but he didn’t get to live an extravagant life because his parents didn’t make hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.
As he was growing up he wanted to figure out a way to make lots of money, so he started to learn about entrepreneurship. But due to lack of capital and knowledge, he didn’t start a business.
Eventually he came to the realization that the best way to learn about entrepreneurship was to first attend Marquette University and then figure out things from there.

The college life

While in college, Tim started to look for easy ways to make money. One of the avenues he saw a huge opportunity in was gambling. He started learning about all forms of gambling and eventually got addicted to it.
From poker to sports betting, he did it all. And one point he got lucky enough where he made $9000 from a sports bet. But sadly it didn’t last long and over the next year or so he lost all of that money from bad bets.
It was at this point that Tim realized that he needed to quit gambling and focus on learning about his two passions in life… finance and entrepreneurship.
One day, he was talking to one his friends about creating a business, and his friend turned him onto Quick Sprout. So he started reading every blog post on Quick Sprout in hopes that he could learn about entrepreneurship and potentially meet some people through the Quick Sprout community that he could partner up with.

The Timothy Sykes era

A bit more than a year ago Tim read a blog post on Quick Sprout on how I talked about another entrepreneur by the name of Timothy Sykes. Naturally, Tim clicked through to and learned about his Millionaire Challenge program that taught people how to buy and sell penny stocks, which are stocks that are under 1 dollar.
The Millionaire Challenge program teaches you how to spot stocks that are about to breakout. Once you spot them, you buy those stocks, and then you sell them before they peak… which the program also teaches you about. Tim thought it would be worth giving a shot, so he decided to signup for it.

Posted on 02:34 by Unknown

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Timothy Sykes is an American stock traderentrepreneur, and penny stock expert. He is best known for turning his bar mitzvah money into over $1 million by day trading in-between classes at Tulane University.


In 1999, while still in high school, Sykes took $12,415 he had received in bar mitzvah gift money and began day trading penny stocks. He would turn this initial investment into over $1.65 million before the age of 21.
Sykes attended Tulane University and graduated in 2003 with a bachelor's degree in philosophy and a minor in business. While at Tulane, Sykes routinely skipped class to day trade. In 2003, during his senior year, he founded Cilantro Fund Management LLC, a short bias hedge fund.
Barclays named Cilantro Fund Management LLC the #1 ranked short bias fund from 2003-2006.In 2006 Trader Monthly named Sykes one of the "Top 30 Under 30" traders in the market.
Sykes released An American Hedge Fund: How I Made $2 Million as a Stock Operator & Created a Hedge Fund in 2007.[13] The book chronicles Sykes' rise from a college student day trading penny stocks to the early-20s multimillionaire hedge fund manager and the lessons learned throughout.
In 2008 Sykes decided to recreate his initial investing success by again starting with $12,415. He named the attempt Transparent Investment Management (TIM). After two years, Sykes turned the initial sum into $90,368 and was the #1 ranked trader on Covestor.
In 2012, Sykes created "Miss Penny Stock" a financial beauty pageant to a representative for his brand and company.

Posted on 02:28 by Unknown

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Here, you will find 10 tips for buying penny stocks. The advice is based on the practical advice that comes from investing in penny stocks for years and striking it big a couple times and the theoretical advice that comes from taking economics courses and studying the trends within the penny stock market. Overall, the vast majority of penny stocks are duds. After all, penny stocks are the cheapest stocks for a reason: penny stocks represent unproven businesses that likely are lacking in many if not most or even all of the fundamental areas that justify placing an investment in those stocks. Often times, penny stocks are the hardest to research and the hardest to justify even caring about. Nonetheless, the attraction to penny stocks is justified. Investing just twenty dollars into a $.02 valued penny stock will provide ample reward even after a mere increase to $.05, yielding a 150 increase in the value of one's initial investment!
So let's get to it. Here is some advice:
1) Begin with a mindset and strategy that expects you will lose. Yes, this is counterintuitive, but also important, because a not-so-careful investor will get stuck buying penny stocks based on the unrealistic expectation that some value will come of the investment. Expect to lose and budget yourself accordingly, and stick with that budget. To minimize your losses in the short- and long-term it is essential that you do not deviate from your budget, never allowing yourself to invest more money into buying penny stocks than what you are willing to lose from the start.
2) Do whatever research you can into the stock and the associated industry. Penny stocks are often difficult to research, because the stocks themselves represent companies that do not have enough capital to establish decent public relations or human resources departments, let alone having enough capital create well-functioning websites. Nonetheless, if you do find information - which you probably can, because there are lots of other penny stock investors out there - you may learn what you need to know to strike it big.
3) Stick with the fundamentals. Penny stocks are notorious failures within the industry, because the fundamentals of the stock are poor. The Price/Earnings Ratio (usually symbolized as P/E) should be low as should the overall amount of accumulated debt, and there should be a clear plan and demonstrated achievement of profitability based on the merit of the company. Tips for buying penny stocks are helpful, but it is useful to know that buying penny stocks comes with the same risks as other stocks and the fundamentals mentioned above are absolutely and always important.
4) Choose an industry you know about. This is easy: if it is a company about designing laces for shoes, and you know nothing about the industry, then you are already behind the competition. Pick a company that has to do with one of your hobbies or interests. You will "read" those companies them better.
5) Take your time before buying a penny stock. There is no rush - more penny stocks will always appear, and you do not have an obligation to dedicate yourself to one particular stock. Patience is critical here.
6) Ruthlessly cut your losses when buying penny stocks. This means that as the value of a stock begins to tank, you want to get out of the investment as fast as possible. Penny stocks can often disappear completely, leaving you blindsided as to where your money went.
7) Be shrewd regarding your winnings as well. If you made some money, grab your initial investment, and play around with the rest if you so please; however, in general, penny stocks can quickly turn into losers, so you might be better off just accepting that you will not hit the jackpot and are instead happy making a few bucks to take your partner out to a nice dinner.
8) Constantly review the status of your penny stock. Some tips for buying penny stockssuggest that you pick a penny stock that allows you to step away from the initial investment, depending on the quality of your initial decision. This is a mistake in my opinion: stay on top of your investment, because a big win can turn into a big loss in just one afternoon.
9) Constantly research your competitors within the industry of the penny stock you are buying. Remember, once you buy stock, you are a partial owner of a company, which means that you also have competitors. More importantly though, you share none of the real legal obligations of owning the company and should be constantly looking for the bigger, better deal. If your competition is doing better than you are, then invest in your competition.
10) Have fun with penny stocks. Investing in penny stocks is like gambling. If you go into a casino with the expectation that you will make money, then life is probably going to get difficult for you, because the casino is built so that the house always wins in the end. With penny stocks, it is not a theoretical casino that is against you, but more the natural laws of probability. So expect to lose-ride the waves of failure as well as success-and you may find your rational, unemotional approach to investing will produce positive outcomes.
Good luck, and I hope you found these 10 tips for buying penny stocks helpful!

Posted on 02:25 by Unknown

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I am back to doing watchlists finally. Summer has been slow and rather boring. We also have bad news with Suretrader not allowing us to short stocks under $1 anymore! Read about that HERE
Everyone been watching and playing this one. I tend to have a rule if I don't know whats going on I tend to not play or play conservative. I shorted couple days ago then covered in pre market because it was down due to shorts being available at IB
Today $SOUL announced a 1-3 reverse split. Investorslive tweeted "Taking bets on $SOUL "faking" the reverse split -- trying to trap shorts w/ a RS and then "cancel" it -- this was 2003-2004 type trick lol" I havent played this aggressive at all because I dont know whats driving it. Some people are saying there is texts being sent out there, I can't confirm I have not received anything. Bestdamnpennystocks has a new pick next week and I wouldn't be surprised if they release SOUL. Who ever is trading $SOUL I say becareful. I'd be interested in shorting if Bestdamnpennystocks do release this as their pick. I will continue to watch.
This by far the most annoying Awesomepennystocks pump ever. They just dont stop pumping. Im still short very bad avg .29 . Just being patient with it which has been hard lol. Everyone and their mother knows this is a scam at this point but if you dont read Michael Goode Seekingalpha Report HERE. This will eventually be below .10 when Awesomepennystocks throws in the towel which seems not to be anytime soon lol.
PSON new batch of hardmailers were hitting, I actually received one. Today finally had a nice drop wonder if this is finally the end. I would say good short but it has dropped so much and this thing seems to never die completely lol.
This is the new billionairestocks pump. The last one they pumped was NHUR. This one has been on so many peoples radar before the pump and so many front runners. I really doubt it does as well as NHUR. Hopefully they can pump it over $1 because I'd be really interested in shorting then. Congrats to those who had the balls to go long in .40's. I thought about it but I got no balls going long these scams even though its profitable for many.

Posted on 02:17 by Unknown

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(Apr 4) Bio-Matrix Scientific Group, Inc. (OTCQB: BMSN)through its wholly owned subsidiary, Regen BioPharma, Inc(Regan)., is  a biotechnology company focused on the development of regenerative medicine therapies and tools. The Company is specifically focused on human therapies that address unmet medical needs. Specifically, Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc. is looking to increase the quality of life through therapies involving stem cell treatments. These treatments are focused in areas relating to lung, heart, circulatory system and other internal organs.
The focus of Regen BioPharma, Inc. is to developing translational medicine platforms for the rapid commercialization of stem cell therapies and to advance intellectual property licensed from entities, institutions and universities that show promise towards fulfilling the purpose of increased quality of life. Regen BioPharma has reviewed more than 20,000 US issued patents covering stem cell related subject matter, created a shortlist of 30 promising technologies for rapid commercialization, and currently is in negotiations to license several of these.
The Regen BioPharma business model is to take multiple stem cell therapeutics to and through the human “safety and signal of efficacy” stage (Phase I/II clinical trials), followed by exit. Having assembled a core infrastructure specialized in obtaining regulatory approval and executing clinical trials in cell therapy, we aim to act as a “superincubator” that within 1-2 years grows technologies from laboratory to an asset ready for spin-off or sale.
For More information , visit
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At the time of publication, PSR Agency LLC. has been offered compensation for its promotional efforts of $500 by a Non-Affiliated third party to develop awareness of BMSN(We have not been compensated for profiling COHO). Compensation, when and if received, or even the promise of future compensation, can be regarded as a major conflict of interest in our ability to be unbiased regarding the company(s) discussed in our newsletter. Anyone viewing this newsletter must assume that the hiring party may own the shares of the profiled company of which they may plan to liquidate, Any liquidation of the shares may or may not negatively impact the share price. (All of this compensation is a major conflict of interest in our ability to be unbiased regarding the company(s) discussed in our newsletter. This communication should be viewed as a commercial advertisement only). Please note that we do not own any position in securities of the profiled company.

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Posted on 02:11 by Unknown

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