I am back to doing watchlists finally. Summer has been slow and rather boring. We also have bad news with Suretrader not allowing us to short stocks under $1 anymore! Read about that HERE
Everyone been watching and playing this one. I tend to have a rule if I don't know whats going on I tend to not play or play conservative. I shorted couple days ago then covered in pre market because it was down due to shorts being available at IB http://profit.ly/1Mngqu?aff=1559
Today $SOUL announced a 1-3 reverse split. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/soul-vibe-implement-1-3-191013109.html. Investorslive tweeted "Taking bets on $SOUL "faking" the reverse split -- trying to trap shorts w/ a RS and then "cancel" it -- this was 2003-2004 type trick lol" I havent played this aggressive at all because I dont know whats driving it. Some people are saying there is texts being sent out there, I can't confirm I have not received anything. Bestdamnpennystocks has a new pick next week and I wouldn't be surprised if they release SOUL. Who ever is trading $SOUL I say becareful. I'd be interested in shorting if Bestdamnpennystocks do release this as their pick. I will continue to watch.
This by far the most annoying Awesomepennystocks pump ever. They just dont stop pumping. Im still short very bad avg .29 . Just being patient with it which has been hard lol. Everyone and their mother knows this is a scam at this point but if you dont read Michael Goode Seekingalpha Report HERE. This will eventually be below .10 when Awesomepennystocks throws in the towel which seems not to be anytime soon lol.
PSON new batch of hardmailers were hitting, I actually received one. Today finally had a nice drop wonder if this is finally the end. I would say good short but it has dropped so much and this thing seems to never die completely lol.
This is the new billionairestocks pump. The last one they pumped was NHUR. This one has been on so many peoples radar before the pump and so many front runners. I really doubt it does as well as NHUR. Hopefully they can pump it over $1 because I'd be really interested in shorting then. Congrats to those who had the balls to go long in .40's. I thought about it but I got no balls going long these scams even though its profitable for many.