The early life

Tim was raised in Chicago and he spent a large portion of his life watching his father run his own business. He grew up in a middle class neighborhood because his dad’s business did well, but he didn’t get to live an extravagant life because his parents didn’t make hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.
As he was growing up he wanted to figure out a way to make lots of money, so he started to learn about entrepreneurship. But due to lack of capital and knowledge, he didn’t start a business.
Eventually he came to the realization that the best way to learn about entrepreneurship was to first attend Marquette University and then figure out things from there.

The college life

While in college, Tim started to look for easy ways to make money. One of the avenues he saw a huge opportunity in was gambling. He started learning about all forms of gambling and eventually got addicted to it.
From poker to sports betting, he did it all. And one point he got lucky enough where he made $9000 from a sports bet. But sadly it didn’t last long and over the next year or so he lost all of that money from bad bets.
It was at this point that Tim realized that he needed to quit gambling and focus on learning about his two passions in life… finance and entrepreneurship.
One day, he was talking to one his friends about creating a business, and his friend turned him onto Quick Sprout. So he started reading every blog post on Quick Sprout in hopes that he could learn about entrepreneurship and potentially meet some people through the Quick Sprout community that he could partner up with.

The Timothy Sykes era

A bit more than a year ago Tim read a blog post on Quick Sprout on how I talked about another entrepreneur by the name of Timothy Sykes. Naturally, Tim clicked through to and learned about his Millionaire Challenge program that taught people how to buy and sell penny stocks, which are stocks that are under 1 dollar.
The Millionaire Challenge program teaches you how to spot stocks that are about to breakout. Once you spot them, you buy those stocks, and then you sell them before they peak… which the program also teaches you about. Tim thought it would be worth giving a shot, so he decided to signup for it.